Monday, January 19, 2009

Luella Leulla, Oh!

After catching Luella's S/S 09 collection play homage to Alice In Wonderland's tea-party, with her trademark grandma on acid approach tweed jackets setting off candy coloured dresses/separates (avec pearls of course), I was ecstatic to see's Jazz House collection inspired by the line. Always accessible, Luella Bartley is one of the few top-end designers to cater for a younger market than her rivals - a wise move considering that the under-25s are proving to be the biggest spending demographic in the world of retail right now (mortgage repayments? Pft). This makes transition from catwalk to high street a much more fluid one. I personally think it's great to see more designers in tune with the Joey Blogs consumer coming out of the closet...Marc Jacobs, Erdem, Marni, LV have all rocked looks I can't wait to see in Topshop et al this season. I've fallen hardest for this fuscia petal dress (pictured left), if only I had the chest to carry it off... :(

With bare wrists and not enough necklaces to my name, I've been trying to find a cassette tape necklace since May! I recently attached a cutout cassette that came with a friend's handbag onto a sterling silver necklace to temporarily satiate the desire. But if anyone sees an authentic tape necklace just like this one, available in the UK, let me know!

Apart from wishing money into my account (so far: zero progress), I have also been hibernating from friends after recently losing my job as an editorial assistant a mere month into the job, now am feeling too embarrassed to tell them my fantastic first job is fantastically over. Although, in truth economically unfriendly times lead to no work, which lead to boredom on repeat, which meant that what at first seemed fantastic soon turned into monotonous routine; even four hour pub lunches can get boring with an office of 5 and nothing to do. Anyway, it was hardly surprising the publishers' magazines have folded only being quarterly and therefore not that important to the brands they were made for...Here's hoping the company come back from it and something good turns up for me soon!

Whilst hibernating I have had time to catch up on DVD boxsets including The L Word and Grey's Anatomy after recently finishing Dexter with the boyfriend. At this moment I'm gobbling down S3 of L Word (although I've seen them before) and S2 of Grey's (virgin viewings!) simultaneously, so it was funny and befuddling to see the magnificent Leisha Hailey (who plays Alice on The L Word) making a guest appearance on Grey's. Not only that, but then another patient's grand-daughter was referenced to as Alice who "has a lovely girlfriend" in the same episode - surely another bit of L Word intertextuality right? Ah, all this is giving me Shane-pangs again...

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